Just for info - there seems to be a lot of mention of 'Theft', 'Handling Stolen Goods' and Police type stuff. I would suggest that without knowing the full story the comments are not helpful. The whole Police aspect is based on ownership of the items and from what I gather from the posts, that is not clear. The Police cannot act without having an owner to make an allegation.
That does not preclude Rapha attempting to recover items via the civil courts - how that would be done, would be very interesting and although Rapha kit is expensive, solicitors fees would dwarf the cost of the kit.
Just for info - there seems to be a lot of mention of 'Theft', 'Handling Stolen Goods' and Police type stuff. I would suggest that without knowing the full story the comments are not helpful. The whole Police aspect is based on ownership of the items and from what I gather from the posts, that is not clear. The Police cannot act without having an owner to make an allegation.
That does not preclude Rapha attempting to recover items via the civil courts - how that would be done, would be very interesting and although Rapha kit is expensive, solicitors fees would dwarf the cost of the kit.