I'm not sure if polo would put quite as much through the freewheel as trials so shouldn't be a problem
Reasonable assumption in the majority of cases.
maybe on the charge but I doubt it due the the massively high gear we use.
40" gear is generally considered low.
Lower ratio => More torque at the wheel, Less speed at the wheel
Someone linked to a Scottish bike "retail consultancy" which listed Soma, IRD etc in the brands offered. Spotted the IRD Defiant Single Freewheel (16T-18T). Cro-mo sprocket, £40ish
Couldn't find I emailed them yesterday (no reply yet) to ask whether they knew how many points of engagement it had.
Reasonable assumption in the majority of cases.
40" gear is generally considered low.
Lower ratio => More torque at the wheel, Less speed at the wheel
Someone linked to a Scottish bike "retail consultancy" which listed Soma, IRD etc in the brands offered. Spotted the IRD Defiant Single Freewheel (16T-18T). Cro-mo sprocket, £40ish
Couldn't find I emailed them yesterday (no reply yet) to ask whether they knew how many points of engagement it had.