Don't listen to DFP btw people, I'm sure he means well but his posts are almost always based on wild assumptions and pointless anecdotes.
There is evidence to suggest that Beta Alanine can assist with endurance training. Athletes who have used it say they have experienced an increased ability to go longer during hard efforts (good for getting over that last 250 in a kilo for example) I've used it myself with no ill effects. Creatine also 'works' but it's main characteristic seems to be helping to retain water around muscles (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). I'm not sure why anyone would want to throw taurine in the mix here though!?
L-glutamine has been said to give a similar effect to creatine, but the evidence hasn't really backed it up. YMMV.
Be careful with mixing supps like creatine and beta alanine, you need to research them really to see if combining them is going to be more negative than positive. They can be quite dependent on being used at the correct time, depending on the individual.
I should have perhaps been a bit more explicit in my post, I've been taking creatine for quite some time, and without a doubt it works. Recovery, finding the energy for that last rep or two, strength etc.
Was interested to hear any thoughts from those who have taken Beta Alanine. Quite a few reports seem to suggest it is more effective when taken alongside creatine, and as they both work in completely different ways, that makes sense. The taurine is included as other reports have suggested that taurine and and b alanine compete for uptake, but which is lessened if both are taken together.
Anyway, it's tingly as fuck and quite a mad feeling at first. :-) Feel dem gainz already bro.
I should have perhaps been a bit more explicit in my post, I've been taking creatine for quite some time, and without a doubt it works. Recovery, finding the energy for that last rep or two, strength etc.
Was interested to hear any thoughts from those who have taken Beta Alanine. Quite a few reports seem to suggest it is more effective when taken alongside creatine, and as they both work in completely different ways, that makes sense. The taurine is included as other reports have suggested that taurine and and b alanine compete for uptake, but which is lessened if both are taken together.
Anyway, it's tingly as fuck and quite a mad feeling at first. :-) Feel dem gainz already bro.