Need some advice...
My Mini has 2 drives, one SSD one normal, I think both might be boot drives which leads me to believe I have a load of stuff I don't need on the one that isn't used as to boot... I feel I need to clean the whole thing up, the SSD is nearly full and I don't believe I have 128GB of OS and Apps (I use the other for storage).
Anyone know where to start? Any apps that help with this kinda thing?
Need some advice...
My Mini has 2 drives, one SSD one normal, I think both might be boot drives which leads me to believe I have a load of stuff I don't need on the one that isn't used as to boot... I feel I need to clean the whole thing up, the SSD is nearly full and I don't believe I have 128GB of OS and Apps (I use the other for storage).
Anyone know where to start? Any apps that help with this kinda thing?