Is it as sluggish as they say though ed? You hear horror stories of files taking 20 seconds to write to the card.
If you're trying to capture action shot, then yes that'll happen, but a 96mbps memory card will help speed up the write time significantly.
It's strictly a pro compact for portraiture and landscape generally, oh and it can't handle long exposure shot (max 15 second) whether my Fujifilm do it brilliantly (note to self, buy mechanical bulb shutter cable).
But it's sensor and lens kept bringing me back to the Sigm despite it's limitation.
If you're trying to capture action shot, then yes that'll happen, but a 96mbps memory card will help speed up the write time significantly.
It's strictly a pro compact for portraiture and landscape generally, oh and it can't handle long exposure shot (max 15 second) whether my Fujifilm do it brilliantly (note to self, buy mechanical bulb shutter cable).
But it's sensor and lens kept bringing me back to the Sigm despite it's limitation.