• #26202
explains why he told me he couldnt understand why people liked porn when it was just badly acted videos of people going about their daily lives fully clothed.
• #26203
He never got past "Open the DVD player tray".
• #26204
It's why his log-in password has only one letter.
• #26205
Oops, thanks. I had no idea.
• #26206
tw2 is ed scoble?
• #26207
Now I've bullied you into changing your post I shall delete mine but I'll post this one to leave people wondering what the fuck just happened.
• #26208
It's long.
He wouldn't
He never got
It's why his
is ed scoble?
tl;dr -
• #26209
The real reason TW2 only reads the start of things is because by the second word he's worked out if something is edible or not. The rest is superfluous.
• #26210
TW2 is a fatty.
• #26211
Does it begin with "Snickers"?
Eat.Does it begin with "Once upon"
Don't eat, move to the next thing.You get the idea.
• #26212
is that why he's so unsure about you? not sure if edible object or not.
• #26213
TW2 is a fatty.
Thanks, added to ignore list.
• #26214
Does it begin with "Snickers"?
Eat.Does it begin with "Once upon"
Don't eat, move to the next thing.You get the idea.
If only I'd have known about this system earlier. Sooo much reading for so little Snickers!
• #26215
"Now I've bullied you into changing your post I shall delete mine but I'll post this one to leave people wondering what the fuck just happened."
• #26216
Fatalities at a US naval yard, ten people hurt in gun rampage.
They've caught one guy, apparently crazy, they are looking for two others, an older white guy and a 5 10 black guy with notable hair?
Anyone else think someone's been watching the a-team?
• #26217
Guilty arf.
• #26218
No need for guilt, you are laughing at the descriptions of criminals, not their actions...
• #26219
A week ago:
Blind people allowed to carry guns and the top 10 other crazy U.S. laws
12 fatalities now. No known motive.
• #26220
it has cost 500mn so far to raise the costa concordia
and they haven't actually done anything apart from right itjesus
might buy myself a recovery boat and head out on the canals of london for some righting and recovering -
• #26221
Damn benefits cheats saving the taxpayer money.....!
• #26222
Hope she got the back pay with the conviction.
• #26223
Susan Armstrong, chairwoman of the Bench, looked up from her copy of the Daily Mail, and told Gibbons: “You fraudulently claimed benefits for a sustained period intentionally. “This is taking money from the public purse.”
. -
• #26224
So while the 5p plastic bag charge is step in the right direction.
The amount of trees cut down to provide the tons of junk mail now deliverd by the royal mail is a mockery. I would like 5p for every piece of junk they push inside my house for the effort I take to recycle it. Stupid -
• #26225
the 5p charge is bollocks.
He wouldn't have made it to the end of your sentence, Oli.