Got bought a CAMRA membership for birthday. Go on their website. First thing you want, is a locator on their website to show you the nearest pubs near you that they approve of. Do they have that? Do they fuck. Closest thing is this: WARNING: 90s HTML might hurt your eyes
Get with it beardies. I'm going to start CAMCAMRADFW.
Campaign for the Campaign for Real Ale to get a Decent Fucking Website.
I use the iPhone app, you need to buy a £5 per year subscription though.
You can tick off the pubs you have been to or save them as favourites. View nearest to you on a map or view by address in advance (advised if you are going somewhere with iffy mobile).
It does crash/fall over a lot but I put this down to the amount of beer in the data, some of it must leak and get my phone a bit squiffy.
I use the iPhone app, you need to buy a £5 per year subscription though.
You can tick off the pubs you have been to or save them as favourites. View nearest to you on a map or view by address in advance (advised if you are going somewhere with iffy mobile).
It does crash/fall over a lot but I put this down to the amount of beer in the data, some of it must leak and get my phone a bit squiffy.