• Thanks mate. A bit sore and hopefully just the rear wheel needs attention. We'll see. Hopefully see you on a BC run in a few weeks.

  • Sorry, wasn't sure if this should go here or the Rider Down section.

    Saw a cyclist being treated by paramedics at the junction of Calidonian Road and Pentonville Road at around 08:55 this morning. No idea on the well-being of cyclist as I couldn't see much, however the white road bike was firmly under the green HGV.

    Had a quick scan on Twitter but couldn't see anything reported, I hope they're not too badly injured.

  • Here this morning, about 8-30 : https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=waterloo+bridge&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=waterloo+bridge&hnear=waterloo+bridge&cid=0,0,5777623181727400650&ei=aH8KUpKTN42n0wX05ICgBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CKoBEPwS - should show the little cycle path from Strand to Wellington Street.

    I was the back end of a 5-6 bike pile up. I ended up over the bars and landed on top of a Boris biker (sorry dude).

    We had all come across from Waterloo Bridge, but chap at the lead decided to slam his brakes on at the top of the bike path, to let a cyclist come across to the bike racks. Genius - chap behind his re-ended him, then 3 more, to me, then at least 1 more behind me. I don't think any of us even had a chance to hit our brakes.

    No one hurt - scuffed my bar tape, broke my front light. I felt a twat!

  • The left hand lane on Caledonian Road where it meets Pentonville was all police taped off when I passed at about 9:30. HGV was still there, no sign of a cyclist but I just had a gut feeling that one had been involved. Here's hoping there was no serious consequence.

  • Photo on twitter here
    Two reports of someone being given CPR at Kings Cross this morning. Hopefully unrelated?

    Edit: Seems like it could have been for a heart attack

  • It must have only just happened, I went through probably just after 8.50 and there was nothing that I noticed.

  • The left hand lane on Caledonian Road where it meets Pentonville was all police taped off when I passed at about 9:30. HGV was still there, no sign of a cyclist but I just had a gut feeling that one had been involved. Here's hoping there was no serious consequence.

    Guess that's what I saw too.

    It must have only just happened, I went through probably just after 8.50 and there was nothing that I noticed.

    Somewhere between 8.50-8.55 I reckon then. Not much seems to have been said about it.... which is odd given it's quite a busy area.

  • Ah, following the thread in rider down I've just looked at the dates and didn't notice the original post was from the day before so ignore whatever I said re: times.

  • Wet cobbles can do one. As can people running back to apologise and then saying that their sunglasses mean they can't see very well.

  • Does anyone know what might have happened at probably around 5:30 Ish today in Holborn, by the tube station, outside the big Sainsbury's? I was cycling pass and saw an ambulance, 2 bikes (1 paramedic bike I thinks and 1 commuter's bike) leaning against a lamp post and a lady who was curling into a ball Ish shape on the pavement just by the edge, she wasn's moving. And there was a police car arriving. It didn't seem like a collision but she definitely dressed like a cyclist. I don't know, I was going to stop but I get very emotional with things like this so my feet weren't allowing me to do so. Anyone might have cycled pass who know more? Whatever happened to her, I hope she is OK.

  • Son of a bitch.
    Taken out round a roundabout and I was just popping out on an errand so no helmet.
    No real injuries, no bike damage as far as I can tell, really apologetic driver, really helpful ped and cyclist following.
    All in all a good crash. Just some annoying road rash and a bump on the head.
    Gonna say it was 50% my fault, as I was kinda cheeky joining the roundabout.

    Annoying- more annoyed with myself as I've got a splitter of a headache and I no longer feel like doing much.
    And for not wearing a fucking helmet.
    I'm such a helmet.

    Also- amused me because they were all like "do you want to call the ambulance?" and I had to sheepishly say- 'I'll just get them to check me at work- because I work for them.' (also didn't want the possibility of being assessed by someone I knew).

  • Helmet would have probably exploded any blown your eyebrows off.
    Bikeradar thread>>>>>>>>>.

    Glad you are ok.

  • A splitter of a headache is not good.
    Hoping it has gone away by now.
    Be wary joining roundabouts.

  • eyebrows, hope you are feeling better..

  • Yeah not too bad, some good road rash and my shoulder is slightly fucked.
    But bike's fine, and I did a decent ride yesterday so can't be that bad.

  • If you paid road tax it probably wouldn't have happened.

  • Why dont we all sign something on here and il bring it to 10 Downing Street( just a thought)

  • Something... Maybe you can elaborate a little???

  • Had a little explore of some of the new bits around the Olympic park on the way to work this morning. Took a path over a bridge towards the stadium only to find it blocked and incomplete so turned back down an off ramp onto one of the trunk roads. Glided down to join the road which had bollards along it, picked a gap between them and bunny hopped off the path onto the road only to end up on my back with the bike in the air. I had completely failed to spot a blue rope running between all the bollards. They're heavy enough to bring me to a comical stop in mid hop and flip me onto my boat race. I ended up in a right tangle! All blue rope, diagonal Restraps and gravel. This was embarrassing considering the crowd of onlookers gawping at me from the bridge I'd just left.

    Minor scrapes and some brake hood wonkiness. All's well.

    What a plum!

  • Glad you're all right. To say that the Olympic Park is still 'work in progress' would be excessively polite.

  • Glad you're ok, but I bet that looked funny.

  • You're right Oliver, it is an understatement. You'd have to be Danny MacAskill to navigate round there.

    Yes Snotter, it was ridiculous for sure. Very Wile E Coyote.

  • me this morning unfortunately, coming down the hill on larkhall rise to junction with union road i think, must have been doing 25-30, as i am hitting the junction car in opposite lane decides to tun right straight in front of me, managed to grab my brakes just before hitting it full on - think i got flipped up by hitting front break hard, hit him and go over bonnet

    all things considered seem to have got off pretty lightly - my hip/ back is pretty cut up, bruised/possibly broken ribs, torn muscle in my groin/leg and numb arm/hand from the impact - went on bike to guys and got checked which helps with the shock having someone to talk to - be careful out their everyone, keep thinking if it had been a truck, it wasn't so must knock those thoughts on the head

    pretty glad i had a helmet on - it's all scraped down one side

  • Is the bike alright?

  • Sorry, had to... Glad to hear you got off pretty lightly.

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Forum Rider Down and/or notification of minor incidents

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