I saw Elysium at the weekend too - didn't think it was amazing just ok. Matt Damon was totally wasted in it. Don't get me started on Jodie Foster - good concept. Just badly executed. Neill Blomkamp has already said there is not going to be a District 10 - which is sad. District 9 was just so good,
I think the hollywood effect is going to cut his career short. Box office wise the movie is not doing too badly though - so Matt Damon wins again.
I saw Elysium at the weekend too - didn't think it was amazing just ok. Matt Damon was totally wasted in it. Don't get me started on Jodie Foster - good concept. Just badly executed. Neill Blomkamp has already said there is not going to be a District 10 - which is sad. District 9 was just so good,
I think the hollywood effect is going to cut his career short. Box office wise the movie is not doing too badly though - so Matt Damon wins again.