Bad idea. Powertaps actually transmit power through the NDS - the load is applied by the rider on the drive side (obviously), the middle of the hub does the clever load-cell doodahing, and the drive is transmitted through to the now-inappropriately-named NDS side of the hub.
1x or even radial on the DS is OK, 2x is the minimum on the NDS.
Hmmmmm. Knew I needed to look into this. Cheers.
Part of my thinking was being more flexible with regard to with the hub drilling I'd need. Which would put in better chance of snatching a bargin. I'll stick to 24 hole hub.
That is if my mate wants my Tune hubs.
Otherwise I'll be looking to save for a P2M as planned. If I can stop breaking stuff for a few weeks.
Hmmmmm. Knew I needed to look into this. Cheers.
Part of my thinking was being more flexible with regard to with the hub drilling I'd need. Which would put in better chance of snatching a bargin. I'll stick to 24 hole hub.
That is if my mate wants my Tune hubs.
Otherwise I'll be looking to save for a P2M as planned. If I can stop breaking stuff for a few weeks.