^ yep the banana one is the most claggy substance known to science, I think they use it to join spaceship panels together amongst other things.
well lets say I ate the total I need for today in calories. I then eat a mars bar on top. Do I put on the weight of the mars bar (since I don't need the energy, minus a bit of course) or do you put on more than the weight due to the higher levels of calories in that weight ?
I've no idea where I'm going with this. Logically I can't see how you could possibly put on more weight than the weight of what you've consumed. maybe. confusing himself
I'm no authority so as a total lay-idiot I would think its not possible to simply eat the 'extra' mars bar and put on more weight than that bar weighs, as confirmed by physics and shit. As you highlight your body is using some energy in the process of breaking down the mars bar, we are all engines and I'd guess there are some variations in how efficient each of us is at converting food into energy and storing extra as fat or shitting out the excess.
So what you are getting as if you eat over and above you daily calorific 'guide' then will this 'all' be converted to fat? Again from a completely non scientific point of view I can't see it myself. Imagine if after your daily allowance you ate 20 mars bars you would'nt expect all this weight to be converted to fat. I'd guess your body will go 'woah there fella, time for a shit'. Imagine how huge you could get if this was all stored, it would be possible for a person to put on multiple stones in weight per week. We'd all be enormous.
Similarly if you were to chose some very calorie dense stuff, say a litre of olive oil and consumed all of that, again I'd imagine your body to go 'what the fuck are you doing?' So whilst in theory that litre of olive oil will give you a massive calorie surplus I don't think its as simple as excess calories are turned into fat. In practice, and I don't know having not done it, but I would expect you would be either be violently sick or you'd be passing liquid stools pretty pronto.
Anyway sorry I am not putting myself forward as knowing anything on the subject, hopefully someone can come up with some science rather than my pub musings.
And as for Bothwell's example, I'd guess she forgot to count the 5 pints of lager and/or the bottle of wine that accompanied the gammon :), or the ice cream, we know she loves ice cream too. And I'd wager by the time that gammon had worked its way through it was converted into the amount of pooh someone on D-wing planning a dirty protest would dream of producing. Sorry that is clearly too much pooh talk, draw your own collisions >>>>>>>
^ yep the banana one is the most claggy substance known to science, I think they use it to join spaceship panels together amongst other things.
I'm no authority so as a total lay-idiot I would think its not possible to simply eat the 'extra' mars bar and put on more weight than that bar weighs, as confirmed by physics and shit. As you highlight your body is using some energy in the process of breaking down the mars bar, we are all engines and I'd guess there are some variations in how efficient each of us is at converting food into energy and storing extra as fat or shitting out the excess.
So what you are getting as if you eat over and above you daily calorific 'guide' then will this 'all' be converted to fat? Again from a completely non scientific point of view I can't see it myself. Imagine if after your daily allowance you ate 20 mars bars you would'nt expect all this weight to be converted to fat. I'd guess your body will go 'woah there fella, time for a shit'. Imagine how huge you could get if this was all stored, it would be possible for a person to put on multiple stones in weight per week. We'd all be enormous.
Similarly if you were to chose some very calorie dense stuff, say a litre of olive oil and consumed all of that, again I'd imagine your body to go 'what the fuck are you doing?' So whilst in theory that litre of olive oil will give you a massive calorie surplus I don't think its as simple as excess calories are turned into fat. In practice, and I don't know having not done it, but I would expect you would be either be violently sick or you'd be passing liquid stools pretty pronto.
Anyway sorry I am not putting myself forward as knowing anything on the subject, hopefully someone can come up with some science rather than my pub musings.
And as for Bothwell's example, I'd guess she forgot to count the 5 pints of lager and/or the bottle of wine that accompanied the gammon :), or the ice cream, we know she loves ice cream too. And I'd wager by the time that gammon had worked its way through it was converted into the amount of pooh someone on D-wing planning a dirty protest would dream of producing. Sorry that is clearly too much pooh talk, draw your own collisions >>>>>>>