Oh Chris, you might find Airdrop, the new feature about to appear on iOS 7 won't show up on you Macbook Pro even with 10.8. Simply go into terminal, drop this code: defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces 1
enter, then input this code: killall Finder
Enter and quit. You should find Airdrop will appear in finder now, which is really handy for transferring files.
Oh Chris, you might find Airdrop, the new feature about to appear on iOS 7 won't show up on you Macbook Pro even with 10.8. Simply go into terminal, drop this code:
defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser BrowseAllInterfaces 1
enter, then input this code:
killall Finder
Enter and quit. You should find Airdrop will appear in finder now, which is really handy for transferring files.