My first proper incident this evening. At the roundabout outside Lewisham station, giving way to oncoming traffic I was rear ended by a BMW. Driver's first words were "I'm a cyclist too!", we exchanged details and I'll get bike into the shop tomorrow. My ass hurts from the saddle being driven into my glutes at speed, but hopefully nothing a bit of ice (and vodka) won't sort.
I kind of forgot all the things I was supposed to do, like get witness details. Hopefully none will be needed.
My first proper incident this evening. At the roundabout outside Lewisham station, giving way to oncoming traffic I was rear ended by a BMW. Driver's first words were "I'm a cyclist too!", we exchanged details and I'll get bike into the shop tomorrow. My ass hurts from the saddle being driven into my glutes at speed, but hopefully nothing a bit of ice (and vodka) won't sort.
I kind of forgot all the things I was supposed to do, like get witness details. Hopefully none will be needed.