Put the card in to the Galaxy and download the GPX course to the Garmin\NewFiles folder on the card. Take the card out and put it in the Edge. Switch the Edge on and it will process the GPX file on the card and create the course and place it in the Garmin\Courses folder on the Edge.
It took a little playing around to get the Galaxy to download the file as a GPX file from the site I was using. I was using BikerouteToaster and needed to use Opera as the web browser to keep the gpx file extension otherwise it got changed to html.
The Galaxy download the file to a download directory on the Galaxy so I then moved it to the correct directory on the SD card.
I created the course in Ride With GPS, saved it, downloaded it to the Note, put the SD card into the reader, used Astro file manager to copy the file from Downloads and then paste it into New Files on the SD card.
Put the SD card in the 800, turned it on and wallop- course ready to ride.
This just worked perfectly.
I created the course in Ride With GPS, saved it, downloaded it to the Note, put the SD card into the reader, used Astro file manager to copy the file from Downloads and then paste it into New Files on the SD card.
Put the SD card in the 800, turned it on and wallop- course ready to ride.