I don't know, I just don't enjoy looking at most of the photos I take...
Completely understandable. Same reason I don't have any of my photos on my wall. Even the five-ish photos I've even taken that I'm really pleased with, I still look at them and think "hmmm... shoulda used a flash to highlight" or "it' would have been better if I was a little to the left".
But that perfectionism just strives you on to take better photos.
Completely understandable. Same reason I don't have any of my photos on my wall. Even the five-ish photos I've even taken that I'm really pleased with, I still look at them and think "hmmm... shoulda used a flash to highlight" or "it' would have been better if I was a little to the left".
But that perfectionism just strives you on to take better photos.