Using my magic maths that's a maximum time limit of 216/15 = 14.4h for the whole thing.
I've just had a thought - I'm pretty sure the time limit is capped for the 200km, so 200km / 15. With the addititional 16km its just 'overdistance' and you just need to find the time within the time limit.
The main killers for time I find are the controls, especially when they involve a cafe or something - we've done plenty of 200's in 12hrs, and I always wondered why we were so slow, but it's all the bloody controls! (and hills...)
I've just had a thought - I'm pretty sure the time limit is capped for the 200km, so 200km / 15. With the addititional 16km its just 'overdistance' and you just need to find the time within the time limit.
The main killers for time I find are the controls, especially when they involve a cafe or something - we've done plenty of 200's in 12hrs, and I always wondered why we were so slow, but it's all the bloody controls! (and hills...)