ichidien, everyone is allowed their own opinion on rapha, but you might want to refrain from sticking the knife into the person who makes this forum available so that you can stick the knife in.
I'm assuming you are new here and Velocio isn't usually given to laying the smacketh down to those that take issue with him, but looking back through your posts, one could also take issue with your blatant championing of the castelli gabba jersey. So maybe a little he who is without sin, would be appropriate..
ichidien, everyone is allowed their own opinion on rapha, but you might want to refrain from sticking the knife into the person who makes this forum available so that you can stick the knife in.
I'm assuming you are new here and Velocio isn't usually given to laying the smacketh down to those that take issue with him, but looking back through your posts, one could also take issue with your blatant championing of the castelli gabba jersey. So maybe a little he who is without sin, would be appropriate..