Incidentally after I wrote that, I saw the silver card at home, went to the office, paid the "handling fees" and picked it up yesterday.
It's awesome, well fitted, colour look nice, really long (finally) and feel very comfortable, looking forward to the cold days as I'm fed up of having short sleeve merino cycling top, will order a short sleeve version soon in the near future.
Can confirm sizing is generous (medium as pictured), but does not mean it's too big, a Rapha's medium fit me perfectly.
Incidentally after I wrote that, I saw the silver card at home, went to the office, paid the "handling fees" and picked it up yesterday.
It's awesome, well fitted, colour look nice, really long (finally) and feel very comfortable, looking forward to the cold days as I'm fed up of having short sleeve merino cycling top, will order a short sleeve version soon in the near future.
Can confirm sizing is generous (medium as pictured), but does not mean it's too big, a Rapha's medium fit me perfectly.
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