Today I took out my Token 103mm, fitted a UN55 107mm. Now instead of the spider hitting the body of the stays, I only have the chainring bolts gouging my single layer of white powder coat. Think I'm going get a fresh battery for my digital verniers and a 1 or 2 mm spacer. Fuck buying another BB.
On the other hand I laced up some retro GP4 tub rims onto a pair of quando flipflop hubs, and another GP4 onto a front Formula LF hub. Any tips on puncture resistant 25mm tubs, £20-25 each?
Today I took out my Token 103mm, fitted a UN55 107mm. Now instead of the spider hitting the body of the stays, I only have the chainring bolts gouging my single layer of white powder coat. Think I'm going get a fresh battery for my digital verniers and a 1 or 2 mm spacer. Fuck buying another BB.
On the other hand I laced up some retro GP4 tub rims onto a pair of quando flipflop hubs, and another GP4 onto a front Formula LF hub. Any tips on puncture resistant 25mm tubs, £20-25 each?