[CSB]Every single morning for the last two weeks I've had to get out of bed at 5am go into the living room, out the patio doors and into the garden (in my pants) to scare off a magpie which has taken to sitting in the tree directly outside our bedroom window and endlessly repeating it's irritating football rattle alarm call. The stupid cunt.[/CSB]
My best mate is a bird spotting genius. He knows all there is to know about creatures of flight. I had magpies on my window feeder in my flat once and texted him to ask about them / check the potential effect on the feeding habits of the more regular visitors such as great tits and so on. His response : "Magpies are basically cunts". It's all you need to know about em apparently.
My best mate is a bird spotting genius. He knows all there is to know about creatures of flight. I had magpies on my window feeder in my flat once and texted him to ask about them / check the potential effect on the feeding habits of the more regular visitors such as great tits and so on. His response : "Magpies are basically cunts". It's all you need to know about em apparently.