**Roydon 18/6/13 **
Liverpool St 19.11 (& 19.28 if needed)
Return trains: 22.13/30, 23.13. GS4 £5.20.
Rolling 37 miles - nice open route for close to the longest day of the year. Usual tnrc drill - mainly ride as a group, finish up with a sprint opportunity for the last few miles. No one gets left behind etc. http://ridewithgps.com/trips/203289
Something missing from that list...
**Roydon 18/6/13 **
Liverpool St 19.11 (& 19.28 if needed)
Return trains: 22.13/30, 23.13. GS4 £5.20.
Rolling 37 miles - nice open route for close to the longest day of the year. Usual tnrc drill - mainly ride as a group, finish up with a sprint opportunity for the last few miles. No one gets left behind etc.
8 etc....
Riding out: