Just some of my thoughts around the E3 coverage and the next gen consoles.
Right now I would say that M$ will do better in Europe as well. The high price reflects the strength of the Xbox brand at the moment.
Sony are still paying for the security lapses and other issues that have happened over the last few years.
I don't think pricing is going to be that big an issue. Don't forget the PS2 also launched at £399, with no competitor - so that price point is totally reasonable.
Whilst I say that game pricing is an issue - still not clear what price point they are going to launch games at.
Hardware wise the two consoles are very close. Which makes developing for 'both' easier. So the third party games will come for both platforms. So we will see more of the same things happening with the current generation.
The platform specific series titles at the moment look impressive but we know nothing about playability at the moment.
Sony does seem to have won over the public because of the second hand games thing. But I bet you the publishers are on Microsoft's side - if it means that they can monetise second hand games sales in some way. Then they are going to run that way. Still not clear how XBLA is going to be on One.
Sony charging for PSN multiplayer is a good thing. If it means they can continually improve on it like Microsoft does without hurting their pocket directly.
Still digesting the coverage from the Nintendo presentation. Not interested in the Wii-U at all, though I might buy a 3DS so that I can play the Mario and Zelda re-releases - or I could just emulate them on my N7.
Just some of my thoughts around the E3 coverage and the next gen consoles.
Right now I would say that M$ will do better in Europe as well. The high price reflects the strength of the Xbox brand at the moment.
Sony are still paying for the security lapses and other issues that have happened over the last few years.
I don't think pricing is going to be that big an issue. Don't forget the PS2 also launched at £399, with no competitor - so that price point is totally reasonable.
Whilst I say that game pricing is an issue - still not clear what price point they are going to launch games at.
Hardware wise the two consoles are very close. Which makes developing for 'both' easier. So the third party games will come for both platforms. So we will see more of the same things happening with the current generation.
The platform specific series titles at the moment look impressive but we know nothing about playability at the moment.
Sony does seem to have won over the public because of the second hand games thing. But I bet you the publishers are on Microsoft's side - if it means that they can monetise second hand games sales in some way. Then they are going to run that way. Still not clear how XBLA is going to be on One.
Sony charging for PSN multiplayer is a good thing. If it means they can continually improve on it like Microsoft does without hurting their pocket directly.
Still digesting the coverage from the Nintendo presentation. Not interested in the Wii-U at all, though I might buy a 3DS so that I can play the Mario and Zelda re-releases - or I could just emulate them on my N7.