It is still cheaper to buy sneakers in the UK when comparing to mainland Euro prices. Living in Spain has curbed my purchases massively although this is not exclusivly down to price. Availabilty is gash.
Prices seem higher proportional to the availability of dodgy copies. For every legit pair of Nikes sold there'll be a 'run-on' from the factory sold, and probably a few fakes. I'm surprised anyone in countries with tidy black market economies pay for boxed & tagged 'real' trainers but they do, and they often pay more then in the UK.
Prices seem higher proportional to the availability of dodgy copies. For every legit pair of Nikes sold there'll be a 'run-on' from the factory sold, and probably a few fakes. I'm surprised anyone in countries with tidy black market economies pay for boxed & tagged 'real' trainers but they do, and they often pay more then in the UK.