• #8002
EDGE just gave 'the last of us' 10/10. Pretty surprised. Looks like it's going to be quite special.
Seems that it's getting similar scores elsewhere. Review embargo is lifted tomorrow morning.
• #8003
Review embargo
given this is the games industry this should so be called 'the largo embargo'
• #8004
Got this last night:
Nerd³ Plays... Gunpoint - YouTube
Fucking awesome little game, great soundtrack too!
• #8005
Also, speaking of Hotline Miami and Gunpoint. We really need more games with one shot kills. Regenerative health can go fuck itself.
• #8006
Yeah with Hotline Miami it's one of those games which has actually been tricky bar multiplayer games of course.
Really enjoyed it, but think it would feel better played with a controller.
• #8007
The State of decay is looking good.
• #8008
Does anyone use an official 360 VGA cable? I bought one as 'official', but no Microsoft packaging or Microsoft branding on the hardware.
Google images isn't helping - Do the official cable have Microsoft logos on them?edit - The reason I ask is because I'm getting epic 'ghosting', which I wouldn't expect on an official cable.
• #8009
where did you buy it ? Are they actually a MS reseller ?
I've seen 'official' everything that's really not. -
• #8010
Does anyone use an official 360 VGA cable? I bought one as 'official', but no Microsoft packaging or Microsoft branding on the hardware.
Google images isn't helping - Do the official cable have Microsoft logos on them?edit - The reason I ask is because I'm getting epic 'ghosting', which I wouldn't expect on an official cable.
Use one. It says XBOX360 on the Xbox end. Nothing on the VGA end.
• #8011
Thanks for the info!
• #8012
My cable has on occasion seen some ghosting when I have a loose connection. Sometimes the AV connection on the back comes loose a little or dust builds up causing issues. Just disconnect it and give it a blow or wipe.
Its also worth checking the VGA end of the cable. Look at the pins - make sure none of them are bent. I'm using a 'GAME' branded VGA cable and it works perfectly.
• #8013
So purchased Batman Arkham Aylslam in the sales but the bloody thing won't run. What an absolute pain the arse.
• #8014
currently playing Black Ops 2 wth a no-gun class, all I have is knife, C4 and 6 perks, I can hear the raging from here
• #8015
Ha - sounds good! I've been doing a lot of pistol only playing but may need to upgrade to no gun!
Do we have an LFGSS for Black Ops?
• #8016
it's awesome, knife runners and C4 were the most irritating ways of dying, so I decided to combine them to see what happened. Took a bit of getting used to but it's very satisfying. Also painstakingly made a DIY trollface for my emblem. Totally worth it.
• #8017
^^ i would so be down for that
• #8018
There's a challenge for a 10 kill streak with nothing equipped, no weapon, no perks, no kill streak rewards. Got 9 before but still haven't managed it, think you need someone committed to helping you really.
• #8019
Ubisoft doing an E3 sale
Just picked up AC: Revelations, and AC3 Deluxe Edition for $34 all in (PC). -
• #8020
Finally finished ME3 ... now what next on the pile of shame. Actually really should sit down and write out all the games
• #8021
So e3 this week. Looking forward to seeing some new games. Microsoft need to pull a big rabbit out of a small hat in order to stay ahead of Sony.
Can already see myself switching to Sony for next gen.
• #8022
I'm fearing ps4s business model, hearing rumours of pay-to-play-online.
also intrigued by the PS+ options, as the big sell is IGC at the moment, with a new console you will not have a library to offer, unless they go with giving you new titles gratis (unlikely) -
• #8023
Really? You think they'd actually make you P2P? Then it wouldn't be all that different to xbox.
It's the xbox DRM which is worrying at the moment to be honest.
I tend to play a lot of games on the PC now - the steam sales are deadly, was hoping we'd hear something about the Steam box at e3.
• #8024
Fable 3 currently free on XBL through some bug:
Worked for me...
• #8025
Anyone have a spare PS3 controller they fancy selling?
hotline miami may give you a bit of motion sickness. I was playing very tired last night and it was messing with my head!
May give Batman a go tonight.