there is a funny wiggle/backtrack half way where google maps indicates a bike path under the M25, but bikely doesn't recognise this. So I've indicated it using a bit of a funky backtrack / double back.
if you use it just be aware
I'll be riding 80+(+) GI s.
so I might be smashing down hills, but I wont be smashing up them.
Think I recall doing this fixd last year. Pleasant enough.
chain brake also useful for travellator descent.
For anyone riding out:,-0.22428/terrain
there is a funny wiggle/backtrack half way where google maps indicates a bike path under the M25, but bikely doesn't recognise this. So I've indicated it using a bit of a funky backtrack / double back.
if you use it just be aware
I'll be riding 80+(+) GI s.
so I might be smashing down hills, but I wont be smashing up them.
Think I recall doing this fixd last year. Pleasant enough.
chain brake also useful for travellator descent.