I think it's because they haven't got the same surge of adrenaline that you just did. You, hopped up on adrenaline and rage, understandably raise your voice a bit and get a little confrontational, whereas the person who almost killed you isn't hopped up on anything, but they have just made a mistake and now to make matters worse somebody is shouting at them for it. Some of them get defensive and confrontational in return, some of them burst into tears.
I think it's because they haven't got the same surge of adrenaline that you just did. You, hopped up on adrenaline and rage, understandably raise your voice a bit and get a little confrontational, whereas the person who almost killed you isn't hopped up on anything, but they have just made a mistake and now to make matters worse somebody is shouting at them for it. Some of them get defensive and confrontational in return, some of them burst into tears.