• #5927
Yeah, I don't have the skills to sort it out so the portrait images aren't so fucking huge - which is annoying as otherwise I really like the theme.
Haha, I wanted to blur the face out but everything I did looked cack so I put my chopping skills to the test.
Also, please note the beer cans electrical taped to both the photographer's and the headless person's hands. That gives you an idea of the kind of night it was.
• #5928
^ One tin all night, wow reckless .... ;)
• #5929
Added some shots of my new build taken with Canon T90&Canon FD 50mm 1.8 and Fuji Provia 100F expired in '96.
Thought someone here might be interested.
It is quite obvious what part of the set is taken on film and which is digital. :==)Have really re-found the love to take photos on film mainly because I now have more things to take pictures of but also found a cheap place to develop and scan.
Huge amounts of film waiting for development and more to come.. -
• #5930
I was really really looking forward to sleeping tonight...but I just keep getting flashes of that goddamned adams apple.
Added some shots of my new build taken with Canon T90&Canon FD 50mm 1.8 and Fuji Provia 100F expired in '96.
Thought someone here might be interested.
It is quite obvious what part of the set is taken on film and which is digital. :==)Have really re-found the love to take photos on film mainly because I now have more things to take pictures of but also found a cheap place to develop and scan.
Huge amounts of film waiting for development and more to come..Expired on 1.8!! You have my salutes! Digging the blue paint on blue hue.
• #5931
Probably, I'm a big Moriyama fan - about half my dissertation was about his work - and he and his work have been very influential to me yet I don't think that my work resembles his so closely as that guys does.
• #5932
Also, Flickr is doing as those in control are trying to do, which is get back into the game. I.e Yahoo. Meaning the whole platform is moving away from those that consider themselves beyond amateurs
There is no shortage of photopraphic gallery hosting available. The oldest player in the game photo.net (which started back in the early to mid 1990s) is still alive and kicking. For pure analog photos APUG has been around for over 10 years and also still keeping to theme... These are just two of the more popular but there are loads more around.. many more focused on a specific genre, technology, country or even language. Many offer peer review beyond the "I really liked your.. Its cute"...
• #5933
I'm a big Moriyama fan
• #5934
Flickr keeps telling me to "smile".
• #5935
if anyone is interested have seven rolls of 120 colour film
Kodak Portra 160VC expired 2004 x4
Fujicolor super G plus100 expired 1998 x1
Fujicolor NLP 160 expired 1998 x1
Fujicolor NPH 400 expired 1998 x1All going at £4 each
• #5936
Anyone know where can I sell my Cambo monorail kit? I have tried all the usual places but they don't want it because it's a big beast... It's a great camera but it aways seems to want to break my back whenever I take it out... I would rather avoid eBay if I can help it. Cheers
• #5937
Thinking of selling my film cameras (edit - updated list of what I've got):
Lomo LCA+ with instant back and coloursplash flash (flash has a filter stuck in it towards the back, could be fished out, doesn't disrupt use)
Red 35mm Hoga with colour filters and holder
White Diana F + with 35mm back with flash adapter so the LCA flash fits, instant back, splitzer, cable release
Blue lomo fisheye - has some sticky tape residue
Smena symbol
Halina 35x - bought at a boot fair never got round to using so no idea if it works
1x fujichrome provia 100iso 120 film
1 x lomo colourslide x pro 200iso 120 film
7x unbranded c41 100iso 35mm film
3 x unbranded b&w 400 ISO 35mm film
1 pack instax minis
1 x Kodak gold 200 ISO 35 mm filmWould anyone be interested? Happy to split or sell the whole shebang together for a good offer
Pretty sure I have an old hefty Russian SLR kicking about somewhere
• #5938
XA2 and Sun sniper strap for sellz here http://www.lfgss.com/thread107204.html
• #5939
Jesus, don't you have lights in your house ?!
• #5940
Kat Balou wins hipster camera bingo! :-)
• #5941
Yeah, went a bit lomo mad one day
I like the Holga if there is immense sunshine and have used the LCA quite a bit but yeah can't get on with the Diana. Thankfully I've never paid full price for any of it, it's all very overpriced and overhyped.
Pretty sure the hefty Russian camera is a Zenit 11, not sure where the fuck the beast is.
• #5942
Jesus, don't you have lights in your house ?!
Energy saving bulbs+photos on a go pro, no ideal.
• #5943
Some pictures I took with a 1956 Agfa Isola 1.
Unfortunately the film got a little exposed when it was out of the camera...
http://assets3.lomography.com/576/565/7f/9ce8bf128265e8705f69aa90d8112d17345f5e.jpg?auth=78255ae5be20db32fb671be70d7d9084297800cd -
• #5944
Olympus xa, XP2 Super,
• #5945
That BMX one is sweeeeet
• #5946
Hi everyone,
I have 20 rolls of Kodak Portra 400 in 120 format that expire in June 2013.
I also have 1 roll of Portra 400 120 that expired in January 2013.
All this film has been kept in a fridge, but I am not going to be able to shoot all of it in the next month. The film's going to be good for a lot longer than one month, it's just that given the project I'm working on I can't afford ANY kind potential issues.
So it's going £1 a roll, would prefer pickup during the day in EC2 or after hours in E2, but can post for additional free. Anyone interested?
• #5947
Someone on ebay bought all of my cameras, but I've just realised I have a Veho film scanner if anyone wants it, happily let it go for a tenner still has it's box and everything.
Like this one, scans 35mm and 110 film
https://www.google.co.uk/shopping/product/17873009789926092486?q=film%20scanner&safe=active&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.ZGU&biw=1058&bih=680&sa=X&ei=WMCkUeOZLIO90QXkuYHQDg&ved=0CKwBEPMCMAY -
• #5948
Hi everyone,
I have 20 rolls of Kodak Portra 400 in 120 format that expire in June 2013.
I also have 1 roll of Portra 400 120 that expired in January 2013.
All this film has been kept in a fridge, but I am not going to be able to shoot all of it in the next month. The film's going to be good for a lot longer than one month, it's just that given the project I'm working on I can't afford ANY kind potential issues.
So it's going £1 a roll, would prefer pickup during the day in EC2 or after hours in E2, but can post for additional free. Anyone interested?
I'd like to take it all but feel greedy. Would you post 10 rolls?
• #5949
My friend also just took a couple of very nice portraits of myself on his large format.
They can be found here: http://thomaswhittle.tumblr.com/ along with a load more film photography. -
• #5950
They're really good! Large format close-ups always have this almost 3D look to them, works really well.
BTW, you inspired me to go minimal and set up a tumblr in the wake of flickr going to shit.
Personally I find single image per page a bit annoying on Tumblr/anything. I think scrolling works just fine. Yes, some people might scroll through really quickly and not give images the attention they deserve, but they're just as likely to keep clicking the 'next' button if they're that type of person. It would be good if your portrait shots fit the screen though. For what my opinion is worth.
PS That headless shot is truly terrifying.