Our front door has an old lock in it, and a few random bits and bobs of locking hardware.
I'd like to remove them as they don't work etc, but this will leave areas of the door with a void in.
I could, although it would be a pain in the arse, take the door off it's hinges, prop it on one side and fill the voids with resin- what would be a better idea than this that doesn't involve unshipping the door?
Our front door has an old lock in it, and a few random bits and bobs of locking hardware.
I'd like to remove them as they don't work etc, but this will leave areas of the door with a void in.
I could, although it would be a pain in the arse, take the door off it's hinges, prop it on one side and fill the voids with resin- what would be a better idea than this that doesn't involve unshipping the door?