21/5/13 Kent 2 - Otford Station start
Victoria 19.07 (& 19:12 from Blackfriars if needed)
Return trains: 22.16/38, 23.16.
GS4 £6ish
30 miles, Kent lanes and a spin along Pilgrims way at the end. Normal tnrc drill - regroup after hills, no one gets left behind etc.
21/5/13 Kent 2 - Otford Station start
Victoria 19.07 (& 19:12 from Blackfriars if needed)
Return trains: 22.16/38, 23.16.
GS4 £6ish
30 miles, Kent lanes and a spin along Pilgrims way at the end. Normal tnrc drill - regroup after hills, no one gets left behind etc.