I expect it's going to leave a big purple scar like my knee has after taking a chunk out of it in the dales last year... Really glad I didn't get my elbow tattooed last year when having my left arm done....
Thanks for the advice Andy, I had planned to go home, clean it and iodine it but my gf made me go to the doctors, and the nurse there made me go to minor injuries.
They cleaned it a few times, then dressed it with this special cream that is meant to draw any remaining bits of debri out. Going to get it redressed in the morning, judging by the state of the bandage it is still bleeding /:
I actually work in a hospital and speaking to a nurse earlier she said she was surprised they didn't xray, I've been getting some tingly shooting pains from it this eve, up my arm, through my collarbone and into one of my teeth ( it's on the side I broke my collarbone last year) so will mention this to staff re-dressing in the morning and see what they think.
I expect it's going to leave a big purple scar like my knee has after taking a chunk out of it in the dales last year... Really glad I didn't get my elbow tattooed last year when having my left arm done....
Thanks for the advice Andy, I had planned to go home, clean it and iodine it but my gf made me go to the doctors, and the nurse there made me go to minor injuries.
They cleaned it a few times, then dressed it with this special cream that is meant to draw any remaining bits of debri out. Going to get it redressed in the morning, judging by the state of the bandage it is still bleeding /:
I actually work in a hospital and speaking to a nurse earlier she said she was surprised they didn't xray, I've been getting some tingly shooting pains from it this eve, up my arm, through my collarbone and into one of my teeth ( it's on the side I broke my collarbone last year) so will mention this to staff re-dressing in the morning and see what they think.