• #127
Was planning on spectating
• #128
Was planning on spectating
Plan on wildcarding bro - take Sylwia back home!
• #129
How does the wildcard work? Can any team enter?
• #130
That's the whole point of a wildcard.
• #131
For some sports the wildcard is for host/local teams. I didn't know, never played in one before.
Will look at earlier trains/planes.
• #132
How does the wildcard work? Can any team enter?
Unfortunately no, wildcard spots are also allocated by country.
• #133
That's the whole point of a wildcard.
The next teams down the ranking list for Euro qualifiers get those spots.
• #134
How does the wildcard work? Can any team enter?
For the moment no, it will be X number of teams from each country.
But... if countries don't fill their allocation, then I imagine places will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis, so it's worth watching out for that. Given the past it's probably a good bet if you turn up you'll be allowed to play, I doubt they'll get their full allocation of wildcard teams.
Either way, more info on all this will be released tonight.
• #135
John, even though you are not organising the UK Qualies, are you suggesting that a UK team that doesn't register/play in the Qualies yet subsequently wants to be in the EHBPC Wildcard, takes a UK allocated wildcard place only after all the official UK Qualifier registered/played/ranked teams have been optioned ie. the last placed team on Qualification Saturday has priority in any UK wildcard allocation? Is that what happened last year - my lack of commitment affects my memory sometimes.
Do you suppose there is to be a UK qualified allocation and a UK wildcard allocation, as separate entities?
• #136
I'm going whether I get an automatic/wildcard spot or not. If we don't qualify then hopefully we will get to play the wildcard tourney in place of any teams that don't show up, obviously (in that case Neil) not as a UK official qualifier
• #137
^ My thinking too, but the implication is/was/maybe that we would have to wait in line in Krakow behind full or 2/3rds of teams that went to the UK qualies but didn't qualify for the main tournament - those teams having an option to go to a wildcard slot allocated by organisers in advance. If those wheels fall off over time, then those courtside get ushered on... :)
• #138
John, even though you are not organising the UK Qualies, are you suggesting that a UK team that doesn't register/play in the Qualies yet subsequently wants to be in the EHBPC Wildcard, takes a UK allocated wildcard place only after all the official UK Qualifier registered/played/ranked teams have been optioned ie. the last placed team on Qualification Saturday has priority in any UK wildcard allocation? Is that what happened last year - my lack of commitment affects my memory sometimes.
Do you suppose there is to be a UK qualified allocation and a UK wildcard allocation, as separate entities?
From an EHBPC perspective:
The organisers, quite rightly, are only giving out allocations, they will state that it is up to countries how they fill those slots, whether through qualification, or any other route.
So we have a certain number of spots to use, for the main tournament, and the wildcard. How we fill them is up to us.
Any spots we don't use will go back to the general pool, at a deadline defined by the EHBPC (about a week after our qualifier)
This is where the UK comes in. We as a nation, effectively the UKHBPC/UKEQ organisers, need to allocate those spots to teams, as we see fit.
So their idea is to give the top X number of teams on Saturday, the spots. So, for sake of argument, if it's 6+3 teams, then the top 9 will qualify, and if & when teams drop out, the teams below will get a spot.
Now of course we might get to the point where we don't have 9 teams from the champs, who want to go.
Then it would be in our interest for a team that didn't play in the UK Champs to fill that spot, otherwise we will lose it to another country.
Does that make sense?
• #139
There's also the possibility that a team from another country cancel at the last minute and you take their slot isn't there?
• #140
Yes, but that's a different process.
First-come-first-serve wildcard
After the allocation deadline (early June), there may be a certain amount of spots returned.
Any available spots in the main tournament will be assigned as extra qualifiers from the wildcard.
Any available spots in the wildcard will be available on a first-come-first-serve registration basis, nationality will not be relevant.
If you get one of these spots, you are guaranteed to play if you turn up.
Turn-up-and-play spots
As a final way of getting in, if you turn up, there is a chance you will be able to take the place of a last minute cancellation. Obviously there is no guarantee of this, so I wouldn't rely on it, and try to get in the other way. Again, nationality isn't relevant at this point
• #141
^^ So, in your example, I am right to understand that 6 qualify officially with the next 3* being official UK wildcards. If any of the top 6 drop out then those slots get filled by the next 3 official UK wildcards, with any subsequent wildcard vacant slots being filled in advance/or at courtside by non-qualified UK teams, rather than lose slots to other countries.
This being the case, would it not make sense to build a list of players/teams already preparing to go, come what may, so that the UKHBPC/UKEQ organisers (erstwhile Team UK management) can be prepared to manage the allocation process through to the tournament?
• #142
Feel free to do so Neil. I see no harm in it.
People who will go, come what may:
1) John H
• #143
People who will go, come what may:
1) John H
2) ----Who is on the UKHBPC/UKEQ organisers committee btw?
• #144
^^ So, in your example, I am right to understand that 6 qualify officially with the next 3* being official UK wildcards. If any of the top 6 drop out then those slots get filled by the next 3 official UK wildcards, with any subsequent wildcard vacant slots being filled in advance/or at courtside by non-qualified UK teams, rather than lose slots to other countries.
Not quite. Any available UK slots are only available to the UK until the allocation deadline (about a week after our qualifiers, will be annouced tonight). After that they go back to the general European pool.
So if you want a UK specific slot it does need to be claimed at the champs, or shortly afterwards, not only in Krakow.
• #145
People who will go, come what may:
1) John H
2) Neil
3) Beagle -
• #146
Can we not assume everybody wants to go unless stated. Why do we need a list. I'm confussled.
• #147
Seem like if ur not on a list what does this mean...your not coming in? Just seems weird..
• #148
Some people might not be able to go.
Some people might not want to go.
Some people might not want to go just for the wildcard, only if they get into the main event.
Some people might not want to go without knowing if they can play.Lots of reasons.
I'm going to help run Podium, hang out, and rep Magic, regardless of whether I get to play.
• #149
Seem like if ur not on a list what does this mean...your not coming in? Just seems weird..
People who are confused/nonplussed about the list
- Gormley
- Gormley
• #150
The next teams down the ranking list for Euro qualifiers get those spots.
So Cosmic can't play wild card?
It's our only option...
You'll need to be there Thursday morning, if you want to play the wildcard