• #277
I'm trying very hard to make my commutes 'easy' to focus on proper training so it riles me a bit watching streams of cuntos swarm past me at reds. The odd clean jump doesn't bother me but peds are crossing, there's cars everywhere on olland Park Rd and people are riding up the wrong side, all over the place. No fucking clue..
• #278
Yeah I've never had an issue with the occasional 'clean jump' as you call it. It's the head down nodder glide I find terrifying. Can't help wondering whether they're imitating the clean jumpers a bit too.
• #279
Herd mentality. One nodder flies through the lights, the next one does and then suddenly the junction is full of cars from the other lane so shit where to go now? I know, up the other side of the road where there aren't any red lights (kinda) sweet, whoops that pedestrian wasn't there before? oh fuck/.. argh splat
• #280
Time for some tv cycle training infomercials I feel.
Working on it...
• #281
• #283
Their king.
• #284
One lady today who I assumed to be non-nodder as she looked very carefully behind her before pulling out round a stopping bus and only pulled out when I gestured her to go in front of me. Then jumped lights at junctions, jumped onto pavements to avoid stopping at lights and was just generally dozy. If you wanted to get home quicker you should have pedalled faster.
• #285
Their king.
check out that weird left foot
• #286
Is he wearing a tennis skirt?
• #287
I am...
• #288
Tennis skirts ain't made from PVC.
• #289
Have the LTA rejected your application again otter?
• #290
They reject a lot of my applications.
• #291
Pictures of your private parts are not "applications" in the usual sense of the word, to be fair.
• #292
I don't think that's fair at all.
• #293
Parent towing kid riding up the wrong side of Holland Park Road this morning. Clever.
Different parent, this one a dude, with female on the back running red on Sussex Gardens.
I can understand people taking risks with their own lives but with your kids on the back?
That always scares me shitless. Last one I saw was on Adelaide road going towards Camden. Not a particularly bike friendly sloping section. Who I will assume were the kids parents., mum riding bike on the inside, dad on the outside with one of those cargo looking bikes. I could see them ahead pottering about PARALLEL to each other, with a hefty truck behind them. He swings out to avoid parked cars so so does she, both without looking, taking up nearly both lanes in the process, what I saw was they did that just as the truck was about to overtake. That made me shit bricks for a couple seconds. I cycled past and all I received was shit when I told them off (quite politely if I say so myself).
Like you said, put yourself in risk, be my guest, put others, and especially kids, that shit is on YOU.
• #294
Early and earlier I awaken and still the hoards of fluoro-covered, RLJing nodder brigade are there. Not a flicker in the neck muscles of a single one as they turn blindly into another lane to avoid something then nodcelerate onwards in a hurry to run the next red.
I guess I've seen more than usual these last two days as I'm recovering from the weekend's efforts and actually managing to ride quite slowly.
• #295
There were shitloads today, boxing in, pushing to the front. Glorious vision in hi-viz
Never thought I'd say this but I'm looking forward to the winter already. If it is this bad in Spring lord knows what Summer will be like
And o/t but I decided 48/16 is not my favourite around town gear ratio and my seatpost is too low
• #296
It's great, it means I get up earlier and earlier and actually make the most of the daylight. God bless the Nod!
• #297
Perhaps you can get them genetically modified.
No excuses then.
• #298
The same nodder crashed into the back of me twice at consecutive red lights yesterday before pointing out that I should signal when I am stopping. In amazement all I could think to say was "They're red fucking lights dude!"
• #299
no fucking way.... ha
ok this morn, woman with shopper and basket. She was holding, holding(!!!) her ipod which was plugged into her ears, whilst cycling. She has a basket ffs.
She sweeps left gutter to turn to right without indicating (ipod in hand, can't signal?) or head-checking, essentially cutting me off, then RLJ's Lancaster gate.
mutters me - "what the fuck are you doing!?!" -
• #300
The nod squad plodding across the red cycle lane light from Hyde Park corner into the Mall straight in front of me as I was sharply cornering the roundabout.
Really? In the east I think jumpers are now the minority. Which only makes their actions seem more odd.