Yeah, that followed a snip from a hardcore porn film that resulted in you being given a severe warning, in which you'd apologised before then posting the above a matter of hours later (thus convincing me the apology was hollow and that you didn't understand the warning).
Context is important... because I ignore minor incidents people, and that can give the impression that one minor incident is not a bannable event, and that each single post is innocuous.
But it's context that matters, as when it's the last in a stream of them... a pattern of behaviour... then "last straw" is definitely the key phrase.
Yeah, that followed a snip from a hardcore porn film that resulted in you being given a severe warning, in which you'd apologised before then posting the above a matter of hours later (thus convincing me the apology was hollow and that you didn't understand the warning).
Context is important... because I ignore minor incidents people, and that can give the impression that one minor incident is not a bannable event, and that each single post is innocuous.
But it's context that matters, as when it's the last in a stream of them... a pattern of behaviour... then "last straw" is definitely the key phrase.