• #778
Sorry if a repost but sheeeeeeeit…
• #779
^^ made me smile. love it
• #780
• #781
Gangster East Coast steez.
• #783
Hesh as fuk
Richie Jackson Battle Commander - YouTube
• #785
He's a nice guy
• #786
• #787
Anybody here interested in the future of South bank for skaters/bmx? There's a 'consultation' going on about it, I will post links to where you can het involved if there's interest! They want to move it all to birdshit banks (the mellow banks under Hungerford Bridge) ... They'd like to build more boring copirate restaurants I think ...
We need to get organised if we want a say in the place ...
• #788
Holy shit! That's one of the sickest parts I have ever seen.
• #789
Southbank today is completely different to the Southbank I remember as a 13 year old skater, but there's so much history in that place and I'd hate to see this be the end of that.
The fact that they're talking about alternative spots clearly shows that they understand the importance of SB in the skate/bmx scenes. But placing a few ledges in a different lesser spot isn't the answer.
I don't have much faith in the consultation process but it's the only option we have to try and keep SB alive, so share the links.
• #790
Kyle on Vimeo[/ame] -
• #791
Here's a petition to try and preserve Southbank. If you've ever stepped foot on a board then I'm sure I don't have to tell you why you should stick your name down.
• #792
think I managed half that speed in a downhill once long ago, speed wobbles and all, pretty scary!
here is how that is done properly, and about 20mph quicker. gimp suits and all
Douglas Dalua camera by Mischo Erban - YouTube
• #793
Jesus Fucking Christ
• #794
David Gonzalez makes me feel so inadequate as a skateboarder. That boy is properly mental.
• #795
Everything about this edit is great from Stereo... -
• #796
^^ What on earth is the first trick? I watched it about 50 times. Sounds like he catches a flip or does a really quick bs crook...
• #798
^ him and McEntire
• #799
here's a petition to try and preserve southbank. If you've ever stepped foot on a board then i'm sure i don't have to tell you why you should stick your name down.
• #800
^^ What on earth is the first trick? I watched it about 50 times. Sounds like he catches a flip or does a really quick bs crook...
Looks like a shifty ollie; the board is rotating frontside and he nudges it back as he catches it.
I have a man crush on Vallely, well actually more his riding style. I want to be him lol