• #602
Gonna be at the start for 9am with some of the Brixton CC boys. Looking forward to it, apart from the hilly spikes at the end..
• #603
It's going to be a pain without a GPS doing turn-by-turn navigation.
99.9% of people seem to manage with the route guide, magenta arrows and common sense.
• #604
I can't go and have and entry going spare if anyone is in need.
• #605
99.9% of people seem to manage with the route guide, magenta arrows and common sense.
Good notes on the guide sheet too.
• #606
99.9% of people seem to manage with the route guide, magenta arrows and common sense.
sorry to be a maths-twat but there'd have to be 1,000 people on the ride for that to work ;)
• #607
thanks clearing that up :)
• #608
haha. some of us just can't help the maths-twattery
• #609
I can't go and have and entry going spare if anyone is in need.
Mister I would be delighted take your place. What is the form about race number handovers. Etc?
Can you PM me? Thanks muchly
• #610
99.9% of people seem to manage with the route guide, magenta arrows and common sense.
Ta, reassuring.
• #611
Collecting signs: Help needed over the whole course - signs need to be ripped from lamposts and binned (recycled). I've booked Monday off to do this so anybody who can do sections - esp north of river - will help.
I'm a little concerned with the signs coming down same day as we have people back at 6pm sometimes who have several pints / picnics on the way round - but again appreciative of the help on offer here. Basically don't worry about it, its covered.I'm working with Zebra Cyclist to get the signs to him - but Waterloo to Tower Bridge is a massive help.
I'm happy to re-ride most of the route on Monday afternoon, to pick up any straggling signage there might be, if you think that would be any use at all...?
• #612
Oh and I am in, given some charming generosity from this place.
Thank you.
• #613
^ this is not the Guinness ride, and you will be expected to conduct yourself in a mature and sensible manner at all times.
• #614
Here is another attempt.
• #615
talking of maps, has anyone noticed googles 'treasure maps'? it even extends to streetview!
• #616
I can't wait.
Sorry for sabotaging the signs operations Zebs, by starting a list. Oooh we love a list.
• #617
^ this is not the Guinness ride, and you will be expected to conduct yourself in a mature and sensible manner at all times.
I'm out.
• #618
Scully no worries about starting the list it helps will be back in London tomorrow night and will sort putting up signs then
These german keyboards are really annoying the z is swapped with the y never realised how often we use y before
• #619
^ this is not the Guinness ride, and you will be expected to conduct yourself in a mature and sensible manner at all times.
Wot, not even a little forward summersault?
I was told this ride was fun...
• #620
London Classic is serious bizznizz Bernie!
• #621
Hello forum peeps - looking forward to the ride with my 6 yo stoker on the tandem. We are travelling down to London's famous London for a family weekend of cycling fun.
I am hoping someone might be able to help me out - I have bought a wheel from BlueQuinn and it is currently in his flat in Bethnal Green - can anyone pick it up before he goes to Italy on Friday and then give it me at the start of the ride - I'll happily buy you a pint at the end. Just thought I'd ask on the off chance...
• #622
Does anyone still need a place? Pm
• #623
Hello forum peeps - looking forward to the ride with my 6 yo stoker on the tandem. We are travelling down to London's famous London for a family weekend of cycling fun.
I am hoping someone might be able to help me out - I have bought a wheel from BlueQuinn and it is currently in his flat in Bethnal Green - can anyone pick it up before he goes to Italy on Friday and then give it me at the start of the ride - I'll happily buy you a pint at the end. Just thought I'd ask on the off chance...
I'm happy to do that.
PM me the details.
• #624
@gareththon: i can also if you/villa-ru need a back up.
Last years route, had a giggle recalling when I headed to the wrong gypsy hill tavern for sign on and met a few other riders looking puzzled, like it was some April fool's joke..