Called an idiot on a Boris bike out on my morning commute before he almost got killed, but he wasn't listening. Then made sure he knew after how fucking lucky he was and that he was an idiot!
Tipper lorry on the inside lane west bound at Old st roundabout, stopped at the lights indicating and half way in the cycle lane that should be removed. I was waiting on the out side of the lorry waiting for the lights to change and traffic to move away safely. several cyclists of all breeds went down the inside. I should have called them all out but that's not important. I can see the lights change and the Boris biker in question who cannot then decides he is about to make the inside pass I shout to stop to no avail. Fortunately for him the driver saw him after starting to progress forwards stopped and gave the guy and almighty beep on his horn. I pass the lorry on the outside and catch the cyclist up, he looked in shock and like he might need to change his pants. He got a talking to by me, unsympathetically as it was all his fault that he almost lost his life.
Yes that junction is badly designed and the cycle lane gives a false sense of security that people can pass on the inside. But to be honest seeing peoples habits at other junctions if the cycle lane disappeared people would still do the same.
We need to stop cyclist being on the inside of lorries. Yes the LCC is doing a good job at campaigning for making the lorries safer, which I am for. But not enough is being done to make CYCLISTs safer!
Morning moan out the way, but personally I do not want to witness someone get killed, especially due to an idiots poor judgement and bad cycling putting themselves in a position of such danger.
Called an idiot on a Boris bike out on my morning commute before he almost got killed, but he wasn't listening. Then made sure he knew after how fucking lucky he was and that he was an idiot!
Tipper lorry on the inside lane west bound at Old st roundabout, stopped at the lights indicating and half way in the cycle lane that should be removed. I was waiting on the out side of the lorry waiting for the lights to change and traffic to move away safely. several cyclists of all breeds went down the inside. I should have called them all out but that's not important. I can see the lights change and the Boris biker in question who cannot then decides he is about to make the inside pass I shout to stop to no avail. Fortunately for him the driver saw him after starting to progress forwards stopped and gave the guy and almighty beep on his horn. I pass the lorry on the outside and catch the cyclist up, he looked in shock and like he might need to change his pants. He got a talking to by me, unsympathetically as it was all his fault that he almost lost his life.
Yes that junction is badly designed and the cycle lane gives a false sense of security that people can pass on the inside. But to be honest seeing peoples habits at other junctions if the cycle lane disappeared people would still do the same.
We need to stop cyclist being on the inside of lorries. Yes the LCC is doing a good job at campaigning for making the lorries safer, which I am for. But not enough is being done to make CYCLISTs safer!
Morning moan out the way, but personally I do not want to witness someone get killed, especially due to an idiots poor judgement and bad cycling putting themselves in a position of such danger.