The best way to secure your bike really has nothing to do with locks or how you lock your bike, is to demonstrate due diligence in terms of taking the necessary precautions when buying "used" gear from unknown seller, like asking for the original receipt for instance.
Fact is virtually no one (read surprisingly few) gives a fuck as long as the price is right, yet we wont hesitate to bitch about our bikes getting stolen. Do you see the irony?
The best way to secure your bike really has nothing to do with locks or how you lock your bike, is to demonstrate due diligence in terms of taking the necessary precautions when buying "used" gear from unknown seller, like asking for the original receipt for instance.
Fact is virtually no one (read surprisingly few) gives a fuck as long as the price is right, yet we wont hesitate to bitch about our bikes getting stolen. Do you see the irony?