the point I was trying to make, wasn't that technology doesn't change what we produce, but more that however you choose to use the technology, it should never be a case of "this is better because I use it, therefore you should"
Since you agree that technology effects the result then following a masters use of technology can be called learning.
The East Germans had a saying "von der Sowjetunion (Sieger) lernen heisst siegen lernen". This translates as "learning from the Soviet Union (victors) is the way to learn to be victorious".
Since you agree that technology effects the result then following a masters use of technology can be called learning.
The East Germans had a saying "von der Sowjetunion (Sieger) lernen heisst siegen lernen". This translates as "learning from the Soviet Union (victors) is the way to learn to be victorious".