• #102
just scream "OI!!!" usually does the trick, it's free and only required your throat to be lubicated enough to scream at a high volume.
• #103
• #104
aaarrrrgh seems to work well
• #105
that and "FOR FUCK SAKE!" work very well, the latter was because when I was cycling up an empty Kingsway Road in the middle of the day, all the light was green and quite up ahead what look like hundreds of pedestrians crossing the road despite the red walking light, and more than half of them seen me, but carry on walking sporadically in a "should I cross? do I have enough time before he get here? should I wait?" and ended up with a bizarre labyinth of people, within 10 metres after weaving left and right trying to find the best line to get through safety but in the end when I can't find a line due to people moving sporadically, I screamed "OH FOR FUCK SAKE!", and they run back to the pavement in embarrassement.
Hahaha, that's brilliant.
I get the same on occasions. As you say, definitely the best way is to stay polite and considerate... until they're really pushing their luck then... be big, and be loud.
I think I said "If your moving then move" to a someone who just froze/fidgeted in the middle of the road.
• #106
I think I said "If your moving then move" to a someone who just froze/fidgeted in the middle of the road.
someone did that recently and I muttered loudly "you deer" as I cycle past and slowly enough for him to hear me.
I doubt he got it.
• #107
I have taken to shouting 'HOOO!' in a thundercats styleee. Seems to get the job done. snarf
• #108
I've thought long and hard about this, and vary between a cheery "careful!" for people who might or might not be about to cross, or just haven't seen me; a rather more irate "watch it!" for people who have seen me, and decided to cross within an inch of me anyway; a panicked "hey!...HEY!" for people I genuinely think I'm going to collide with - and the classic "OH FOR FUCK SAKE" for the truly idiotic/suicidal/pedicidal.
I don't like the idea of bells. It seems a bit rude just to ring at someone, and a bell doesn't capture the above nuances - or even the super-polite "excuse me" I sometimes employ on shared-use paths.
• #109
I have a bell, which I use, and which pedestrians either don't hear or ignore. So I back it up with a bellow of "SAVALOY". It seems to work, they jump and then appear to spend some time working out exactly what they heard.
Toodle pip
• #110
"OI FATTY" usually works......
• #111
normally it sounds like (from the peds perspective)
ffffFFFFFUUUUCCCKIIIInnnggg heeelllll.
If I time it right that is.
but also OI!
or YOU! -
• #112
• #113
I usually manage a quick, slightly suprised "whooooaa" whilst steering around them... Only while i'm riding home from the pub though. Hmmm...
• #114
i use my bell every day thanks.
• #115
[[/URL]I really want to put a cowbell on one the bikes.
Of the two in the link below which would you recommend, and rather more importantly any tips about securing it the bars? "4 or 6"?
and yes
[URL="http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/80a71ef8cb/more-cowbell"]more cowbell](http://www.rockfactory.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=dtc-pear005) -
• #116
One of these hooked up to a 12V batt for the Olympics maybe?
• #117
Why not just wear it around your neck?
• #118
Why not just wear it around your neck?
I have too slender a neck. If they made swan-bells, then yes.
I thank you for you assistance in this matter. -
• #119
Shim it?
• #120
I thought that's what the cravat was for?
• #121
I used to use a cowbell to warn pedestrians but they didn't take any notice so I rigged up a hi hat and gave them a quick "t-sop". Of course I had to get used to riding one handed and one footed as I needed to operate the pedal and one drumstick.
I found that sounded a bit tinny after a while so to beef it up I got three different toms and a snare about 6 weeks later. I needed a front rack for them anyway so I amanged to fit a kick drum on as well, so now when I need to warn pedestrians or any other road users that I'm approaching I just do this:
It's the easiest way.
• #122
Doppelkorn - tip top advice
Brun - it is a scarf!
Wonderful forum advice
• #124
Finally, someone has designed a bell which doesn't look completely rubbish
Not that I don't love shouting at people of course, but may consider one of these...
• #125
Think this has already been posted in a thread on lights, but def worth a repost as it sounds like it might actually be heard by drivers
ORP Bike Horn - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2008278958/orp-smart-horn-smorn
now that this thread has been dug up good n proper from the grave, I can ask-
what do you shout when your trying to get people out of they way/make them aware of you?