I don't follow rugby much, but seeing that change suggested that the packs, coming together for the first time in a while, were struggling with the new steps.
And the pauses between seemed to vary so much, cant help be feel that some sort of automated system, beep ... beep ... beep, would take a lot of uncertainty out of the set up, and make it back to a straight contest between the two packs.
When were the steps from the ref changed?
I don't follow rugby much, but seeing that change suggested that the packs, coming together for the first time in a while, were struggling with the new steps.
And the pauses between seemed to vary so much, cant help be feel that some sort of automated system, beep ... beep ... beep, would take a lot of uncertainty out of the set up, and make it back to a straight contest between the two packs.
That said, better pitches would help massively