Our office is being refurbished at the moment so I've been working from home.
I had thought that I'd have had the motivation to go out on the bike before work- but looking at the thermometer showing either minus figures or at most 2 degrees has exposed my flabby white underbelly, as I dive back into bed.
My commute normally accounted for 100 miles of cycling a week, so losing that is non-trivial.
Our office is being refurbished at the moment so I've been working from home.
I had thought that I'd have had the motivation to go out on the bike before work- but looking at the thermometer showing either minus figures or at most 2 degrees has exposed my flabby white underbelly, as I dive back into bed.
My commute normally accounted for 100 miles of cycling a week, so losing that is non-trivial.
In short, I've become a fatty.