I got an automated fraud alert call on my mobile from Barclays. The automated female voice made no sense so I opted for a human. I don’t know what part of the Indian subcontinent he hailed from but that conversation did nothing to help either. The third option was to attend any branch of Barclays and they would make the call on my behalf. I now know that a Mr Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge chums are spending £211 of my/Barclays’ money in sunny Cambodia having cloned my Connect card. CLINTS. csb etc.
I got an automated fraud alert call on my mobile from Barclays. The automated female voice made no sense so I opted for a human. I don’t know what part of the Indian subcontinent he hailed from but that conversation did nothing to help either. The third option was to attend any branch of Barclays and they would make the call on my behalf. I now know that a Mr Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge chums are spending £211 of my/Barclays’ money in sunny Cambodia having cloned my Connect card. CLINTS. csb etc.