a lot of people here talk about T-Rex body shape, but looking at their bike setups - 99% of them either:
a) have very poor position on the bike
b) have poor flexibility
c) Don't know what they are talking about!
I hear what you are saying re: frame fit, but honestly - you would have to have cartoon body shape for it not to work at all. I'm talking 80% legs.
You're giving yourself a mountain to climb with your choice of bars - drops without hoods are pretty difficult to make comfortable as it's hard to find good hand positions on the tops anywhere except the flattest point - when you really want them where the hoods would be.
If I were you I would stick a set of risers on it and ride it like that until you can manage that bit more reach and get your hips in the right place. Or possibly bullhorns.
You are doing the right thing by going to see a bike fitter though.
a lot of people here talk about T-Rex body shape, but looking at their bike setups - 99% of them either:
a) have very poor position on the bike
b) have poor flexibility
c) Don't know what they are talking about!
I hear what you are saying re: frame fit, but honestly - you would have to have cartoon body shape for it not to work at all. I'm talking 80% legs.
You're giving yourself a mountain to climb with your choice of bars - drops without hoods are pretty difficult to make comfortable as it's hard to find good hand positions on the tops anywhere except the flattest point - when you really want them where the hoods would be.
If I were you I would stick a set of risers on it and ride it like that until you can manage that bit more reach and get your hips in the right place. Or possibly bullhorns.
You are doing the right thing by going to see a bike fitter though.