Hence we're down to bent frame, which IIRC the frame having been crashed into a teutonic geriatric is reasonably likely as they're made of stern stuff.
I assume you're familiar with the string-theory...
1 piece of string from LH dropout to RH dropout via headtube, vernier or rule to measure distance from string to outer face of seat-tube
I'm not sure this method would show up the issue that might be causing this. To clarify my #3 I was suggesting that the seatstays may be bent relative to the chainstays (essentially the seatstay bridge area being shunted over to the left). Very, very unlikely but it might combine with other minor misalignments to cause what's visible in the pictures.
I'm not sure this method would show up the issue that might be causing this. To clarify my #3 I was suggesting that the seatstays may be bent relative to the chainstays (essentially the seatstay bridge area being shunted over to the left). Very, very unlikely but it might combine with other minor misalignments to cause what's visible in the pictures.