[]Wheel bearings loose: causes wheel to flop over sideways but leaves it central between the chainstays.
[]Wheel incorrectly dished, centred between the chainstays by moving right-hand end of axle forward, but still not centred between the seatstays.
[]Rear triangle bent such that right-hand track-end/dropout is further out than left-hand one.
[]Rear triangle bent so that right-hand track-end/dropout is lower than left-hand one. Wheel is centred between chainstays but lies over sideways closer to right-hand seatstay (similar to #1).
Edit: 5. Combinations of very minor instances of several of the above.
Wheel flopping in bearings should be bloody obvious...
Wheel dishing can be easily checked by flipping wheel in dropouts, which he says he's already done.
Hence we're down to bent frame, which IIRC the frame having been crashed into a teutonic geriatric is reasonably likely as they're made of stern stuff.
I assume you're familiar with the string-theory...
1 piece of string from LH dropout to RH dropout via headtube, vernier or rule to measure distance from string to outer face of seat-tube
Wheel flopping in bearings should be bloody obvious...
Wheel dishing can be easily checked by flipping wheel in dropouts, which he says he's already done.
Hence we're down to bent frame, which IIRC the frame having been crashed into a teutonic geriatric is reasonably likely as they're made of stern stuff.
I assume you're familiar with the string-theory...
1 piece of string from LH dropout to RH dropout via headtube, vernier or rule to measure distance from string to outer face of seat-tube