The jury is still out on the QR. I lost the chain a couple of times but the wheel hadn't visibly moved. The lower of the two gears is 39x24 so I'll soon find out the limits of the QR I think. I have some bolt-end skewers to fall back on.
Tension is even when the bikes up on a stand (or upside down in a hedge where most of this evenings mechanics happened). I did wonder if the spacers on the cassette are holding the cog rigid. The cogs are separate so they might not have the stability of a whole cassette perhaps.
The jury is still out on the QR. I lost the chain a couple of times but the wheel hadn't visibly moved. The lower of the two gears is 39x24 so I'll soon find out the limits of the QR I think. I have some bolt-end skewers to fall back on.
Tension is even when the bikes up on a stand (or upside down in a hedge where most of this evenings mechanics happened). I did wonder if the spacers on the cassette are holding the cog rigid. The cogs are separate so they might not have the stability of a whole cassette perhaps.