Or Gore Xenon SOs. The liners definitely don't pull out of them, as there aren't any. I wore mine to cycle down to London on Saturday morning, and according to the Edge the temperature varied from -2degC to +2degC over the 5 hour ride. Toes got a bit chilly, but my hands were fine.
The only time I've found Xenon SOs not up to the job was a 25 minute descent in Switzerland where the temperature never got above -6degC and the average speed was over 30mph.
Or Gore Xenon SOs. The liners definitely don't pull out of them, as there aren't any. I wore mine to cycle down to London on Saturday morning, and according to the Edge the temperature varied from -2degC to +2degC over the 5 hour ride. Toes got a bit chilly, but my hands were fine.
The only time I've found Xenon SOs not up to the job was a 25 minute descent in Switzerland where the temperature never got above -6degC and the average speed was over 30mph.