I need help! A friend of mine is in London at the moment. He was a colleague of mine in Paris, we worked for the same architectural firm there... He is changing career, radicaly, as he is becoming a opera singer!! He already worked professionaly as a singer in the past year and does not work as an architect anymore at the moment.
Recording studios are cheaper in London compared to Paris apparently. He took the opportunity of being in London this month to organise 3 sessions, in Crystal Palace. Already one took place last sunday. He asked me to come to take pictures. The light was very bad and my Canon G9 was giving such poor results that I ended up taking pictures with my phone!!! Very embarassing.
For the two coming dates (24th feb and 3rd march, both are sundays, in the afternoon), if one of you talended photographers wouldn't mind helping taking couple of good pictures for his website... that would be fantastic. Coffee and cake as a reward would be provided from the studio's caff.
send me a PM