• #4852
What pet insurance (cat) are people with? We've still got 2 weeks left on our 4 weeks free Petplan, but they've started calling so before I just say yes, has anyone got another option? I'm pretty clueless.
• #4853
We are with Petplan too. Can't rally say how good they are as so far we didn't have to clame. And hopefully we never will! :-) I think we are paying around £28 for two cats.
• #4854
I'm with M&S - again I've never had to claim - but our house insurance is with M&S and I've heard nothing but good things about their services (including bike insurance) so I went with them
• #4855
I've claimed twice from Direct Line for cats - they settled up immediately with almost zero questions asked. Their price was pretty comparable with everyone else's when I took it out but it's risen a bit over the years I suppose - however for the price of a pint I don't have any reason to look elsewhere.
I am paying less to insure everything else in my life though, which I guess is a bit odd!
• #4856
I've claimed twice from Direct Line for cats....
At this point I should probably clarify that no animals have been harmed in the making of the Fishy Bikes thread!
• #4857
My GF's cat likes being carried about the flat in my Crumpler. In fact, any time I put it on the floor he squirms his way inside and curls up. I swear one day I'll get to the till at the supermarket and find him inside when I go to pop my teabags in there.
• #4858
Needs bigger picture
• #4859
^ You want to see a bigger picture of his teabags?! ;)
• #4861
Here he is a few months back, chewing my Fuji...
• #4862
your cat looks like fun :)
• #4863
I'm with M&S - again I've never had to claim - but our house insurance is with M&S and I've heard nothing but good things about their services (including bike insurance) so I went with them
We were with M&S with our cat and when we had to claim the process was all fairly painless and they paid up with very little fuss.
• #4864
Poor Moses has a milky discharge coming out of one eye and he's squinting a little, though he's not trying to scratch it or appearing distressed. Think it's conjunctivitis so will try some saline or chloramphenicol. Hate seeing my babies suffer!
• #4865
I hit Tesla on head with a pedal today when on the turbo. I feel bad.
• #4866
Ouch. How fast were you going?
• #4867
Erm, dunno how fast, about 200 watts, coasting between intervals.
Same issue that sees drifts of dead birds downstream of a wind turbine I think- animals are not used to a rotating object, they look ahead through the plane of the rotor and see it's clear, go ahead and the (in this case pedal) comes round and bops them on the head.
• #4868
Ron & Veronika have both been clonked during turbo time. It only happens once.
• #4869
Ron and Veronika? I spot a theme there.
• #4870
^^ Because they learn or because...they are no more?!
• #4871
Wait, those are your cats' names, right TW2?
• #4872
It only happens once.
I hope you mean by this that they quickly learn to be more careful, not that they...
• #4873
Ron and Veronika? I spot a theme there.
Wait, those are your cats' names, right TW2?
Yes and yes.James Westfall and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater are the only other things that get clonked when I'm on the turbo.
• #4874
Ron and Veronica?
• #4875
^ I lol'd lots :-)