Just got a bit frustrated trying to USB tether my Nexus 4 with a Mac running Mountain Lion.
If anyone's tried to do this, the Android device does not show up in Finder - I think because Mountain Lion does not recognise USB MTP which is USB mode the Nexus 4 uses to try and connect (rather than USB MSC).
My workaround so far has been to install Android File Transfer on the Mac to transfer files etc.
Unfortunately doubleTwist (which I use to transfer music using smart playlists in iTunes) also does not recognise the device so I am using Airsynch to transfer music.
Does anyone know of a more elegant solution until / if Apple ever decide to support USB MTP?
Just got a bit frustrated trying to USB tether my Nexus 4 with a Mac running Mountain Lion.
If anyone's tried to do this, the Android device does not show up in Finder - I think because Mountain Lion does not recognise USB MTP which is USB mode the Nexus 4 uses to try and connect (rather than USB MSC).
My workaround so far has been to install Android File Transfer on the Mac to transfer files etc.
Unfortunately doubleTwist (which I use to transfer music using smart playlists in iTunes) also does not recognise the device so I am using Airsynch to transfer music.
Does anyone know of a more elegant solution until / if Apple ever decide to support USB MTP?
At least doubleTwist seem to be working on it: